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March 2020 Newsletter

Dear Friends:

The corona virus has upended life as we know it. People are gripped by fear; supermarket shelves are ravaged; millions are losing jobs; the stock market is sinking; schools and universities are closed; and many of us are being asked to stay at home, and keep our distance from others. Soon, more people will be struggling with illness. The changes are unprecedented in scale.

So you may be asking: What can I do? What does this mean? Why is this happening?

The most important thing any of us can do is stay in a higher flow. The group karma does not apply to all individuals. Please remember that. 

The higher you can stay in your own vibrational energy field, the more immune you will be from the unfolding challenges. So I want to share some guidance about how to live in the highest flow in these pandemic times.

Everything that comes to us is a gift from the Divine, even this challenging situation. To put it simply, when we get beyond duality, what looks the most terrible may bring the most light.

Take the extraordinary opportunity that is being presented.
This is a time to go inward to connect with the Divine and your own Higher Self. Ride the flow. Take the time to meditate, pray and contemplate.You can also walk in nature, where you can enjoy the beauty and healing energy of your surroundings.

Whenever you feel fear or another lower vibration seeping into your system, repeat your favorite psalm, prayer or mantra. You can repeat the prayer or mantra of choice as often as you enjoy, even all day long. This will raise your vibration, and keep it strong and uplifted.

It’s also a good time to reach out and support others. Pray for loved ones, friends and even strangers. Be helpful to others in small and large ways. Think of how you can be of service to God and your fellow humans. Be the light. This will help raise your vibration and the vibration of those around you.

You can also call on the Archangels, Jesus, Buddha and other Divine beings. They are always there for you. You are never alone

Also take this time to treat yourself with love. Make beautiful healthy meals for yourself and those in your household. Read the books you always wanted to read and watch the movies that you’ve always wanted to see. Indulge in making art or playing music. Connect to beauty and harmony in your life.

Please know that it is your birthright to live in a state of Grace. If there is any place where you don’t feel Grace flowing in your life, this is an opportunity for contemplation and transformation. These times will bring great illumination.

Why this is happening is complex. I don’t profess to have all the answers. But whenever there is illness, there is a soul call to connect to the Divine and to course correct. There are many ways people, animals and the planet itself are suffering. Collectively, perhaps we are being asked to heal the many disconnects, and to heal on a global scale. We must each do our part individually to reconnect to the highest if we want to bring about change on a global level.

For the next few months, we won’t be meeting in person. But I am here for you whenever you want a long distance session. Just email me at or call me at 310-264-1924 or 323-813-8593.

I am also contemplating setting up guided meditations or other sessions via zoom. Please let me know if you are interested, and also let me know if you have specific requests or ideas for what would support you and others the most.

Wishing you all Grace in these extraordinary times.

With love,

You can view the original newsletter here:

Being the Light


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